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There are a lot of misconceptions and myths in the public arena about Australian wild horses, commonly called ‘brumbies’. This is a generic name which colloquially covers all the different breeds and types of wild horses which formed the foundation of many modern breeds including Australian Stock Horses.

If you are interested in the history of horses in Australia, and the future of Australia’s wild horse populations, we invite you to read through our FAQ’s and enrich your knowledge and understanding of these wonderful horses . . . Australia’s living history.

Here are our most FAQs

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There is a significant difference between our Heritage Horses and Brumbies found elsewhere in Australia. The horses of The Guy Fawkes River National Park have been subjected to numerous studies, comprehensive research and DNA testing to prove that they are direct descendants of those horses bred for the Light Horse Brigade in WWI and they share the same history as the Waler. In fact, the Heritage Horses are closer to the original ‘Walers’ than the modern Waler breed.

Guy Fawkes Heritage Horses have significant heritage value, locally, nationally and internationally. The horses from this area are the ONLY group of Australian wild horses to have been subjected to this rigorous process – their links to Australian history and the Waler horse are proven.

The GFHHA is not a Brumby Rescue Organisation. We do not pick and choose small numbers of brumbies for re-homing. We take possession of ALL horses removed from the National Park and assess and re-home them appropriately.

The GFHHA only recognises and registers Heritage Horses that are removed from the Guy Fawkes River National Park through the passive capture and removal program run by National parks & Wildlife, and the progeny of these horses. We believe that by only registering these horses we are able to maintain and preserve the unique qualities these horses are famous for – their authentic heritage value and genetic superiority.

Ellen (2)
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