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There is no current trapping program being conducted in the GFRNP.   We have been in detailed discussions with National Parks for several years to restart passive trapping and on selling to people interested in relieving the wild horse burden in the Guy Fawkes River National Park WITHOUT aerial culling.

If you are interested in purchasing a horse please contact the Glen Innes NPWS Office and let them know you would be interested in purchasing a horse if they were to honour their commitment to us and recommence trapping.

You can keep up with current horses for sale here and on our facebook page

Registration & Stud Book
All horses sold by the GFHHA are eligible to be registered with the GFHHA Inc and entered into the GFHHA Stud Book. Our horses are also able to be registered with brumby horse associations and may be eligible for registration with other societies and associations eg: pinto, dilute, Australian Quarter Pony and Australian Saddle Pony. For Registrar enquiries please email

Viewing Horses
At this time we do not have any horses for sale.

Private Sales
You may find registered GFHHA horses that are privately owned and for sale on private sales pages. If you would like to confirm registration status please contact the Registrar at the email above.

NB: The GFHHA encourages all new owners of colts to castrate. The GFHHA also retains the right to refuse stallion upgrade registration of any colt not deemed suitable for retention. No exceptions.




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