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Our last Open Day was held on 12 Oct 2024 & was our 20th Anniversary & 24th Anniversary of the Aerial Cull

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made our 20th Anniversary Celebrations a resounding success!

Thank you to those who delivered such incredible, informative and entertaining demonstrations and presentations. To the volunteers, stallholders, vendors, sponsors, those who travelled a long way to be there, and every single person who turned up and showed the Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse Association so much support!

Despite cold, windy, wet weather during the second half of the day we had an incredible turnout for the GFHHA Ridden and Led Challenge, and everyone stuck around to compete despite the conditions! Congratulations to all of  the prize winners in the GFHHA CHALLENGE and RAFFLE’s!

In the evening we ended up indoors by the fire for a cosy and intimate musical treat, with Tate Cole, followed by the legend James Blundell rounding out the day!

To everyone who contributed getting this event across the line, from the planning, organisation and logistics, and to the committee members past and present. Thank you. And to Erica, we hope we did you proud!

Not only a celebration of past achievements, but a crucial fundraising event, you helped us secure the Association’s future until trapping re commences. We are committed to continuing our work in preserving these incredible horses that we are so passionate about!

Our Open Days are a fantastic opportunity for the general public and horse lovers to come and experience our horses and what we do.

When available we present horses for sale, as well as giving horse handling and training demonstrations, and offer you Special Guests who come to share their area of Equine Expertise.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on horses for sale, Open Days, and ways you can support the work of the Association.

Alternatively, become an Associate Member for just $10 a year.  

Your money helps pay for feed, wormers, equipment and trucking, ensuring that our standards of excellence in the handling of wild horses are upheld.

We are staffed only by volunteers, so your money goes directly to Wild Horse welfare.

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